The Purpose
Worship Leader has always been a brand focused on training and equipping the next generation of worship artists. Now we’re giving all of those leaders and artists a platform to bless their colleagues by submitting devotionals and sharing personal experiences they’ve had during their careers. The Walk is full of stories focused on how God has grown our Worship Leader guests in their faith, in their profession, in their craft, and in numerous other ways.
We’re looking for stories about big challenges faced by our worship leaders and how, through Christ, they overcame it. Our listeners are eager to hear worship stories from our guests and learn how they can grow in their walk through this weekly podcast.
The Format
The format will be a host and a guest, but our guest in each weekly episode will be the worship leaders themselves simply telling their worship story and then wrapping it up with a biblical truth God downloaded to them through that experience.
Our host is there to simply introduce the show and the guest, and then handle the business at the end, but in large part this podcast is driven by each episode’s storyteller.
Read on to learn how to submit a devotional for the Podcast.
Devotional Submission Dos
- Keep devotionals to around 10 minutes.
- We encourage our guests to share personal stories where appropriate, but we also require relevant scripture, and ask that the episode include a lesson or inspiration of some kind.
- We also ask that our guests submit a written version prior to recording so our editorial team can contribute feedback.
- We encourage you to be creative, have fun, and tell the worship story in your voice. God has gifted each of us with a unique perspective and we’re excited to hear yours.
- We ask that guests have access to recording equipment. If you submit a devotional that is accepted, we will call in to help produce/direct your recording session remotely in order to ensure alignment with our show.
Devotional Submission Don’ts
- Don’t include names of characters in the worship story unless permission is granted.
- Please submit original material. Not material that has been previously posted on a blog, in a book, etc. If using a quote or reference from other materials, please include a citation so we can include that in the show notes.