Hope Darst

Hope Darst

Over the past 15 years, Hope Darst, has been leading worship, growing her family and serving the local church. She wears many titles…wife, mother, worship leader and songwriter. In 2013, after a decade of being in full-time ministry and on staff at her local church, Hope found herself in a season of transition as she focused on being a full-time mom. During this time, Hope and her family visited a small gathering of people in a basement and encountered the presence of God in a new way. “I had been “doing ministry” for so long that I had ignored so many parts of my heart and life that needed ministry. I was desperate for healing and a fresh encounter with God. That year of rest became the foundation for discovering a new way of living with Christ. Week after week I would enter God’s presence during worship and the word and experience deep emotional and mental healing that I had long thought was impossible.” This “gathering” would eventually become what is now The Belonging Co. church.

6 Articles Published | Follow:
Thumbnail - Workshop - Hope Darst - Building Families Instead of Teams
Building Families Instead of Teams in Our Worship Communities

How to build your worship community within the framework of a family.

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Hope Darst – Focus on the Gold in People

“In anything you lead by example and how you lead will determine how others lead.”…

Hope Darst - How do you define worship?
Hope Darst – How do you define worship?

In this Worship Sound Bite Hope Darst brings her definition of Worship. We never tire…

Towers and Temples

Building is a part of life. We build families, homes, reputations and more. I often…

Hope Darst
The Heart of True Worship

We lost something in the garden: the heart of a true worshipper. When Adam and…

Song Story “Peace Be Still” with Hope Darst

Although we all have seasons of uncertainty, fear, or insecurity, this year has increased the…