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Josh Brainard

Josh Brainard is a veteran worship pastor of 20 years and during that time has served at several churches in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. He is the founder of simple-tracks.com and is currently the worship pastor at Grumlaw Church in Hartland, MI. Josh has been married to his amazing and supportive wife for 20 years and has two beautiful daughters.

2 Articles Published | Follow:
The 3 “P’s” of Worship Leading

Consistency in the areas of planning, preparing and performing will create a strong foundation for leading worship services well. Being intentional with the 3 “P’s” of worship leading will allow you to lead excellent worship services on a weekly basis.

Obedience in Leading Worship
Obedience Is The Win In Leading Worship

Churches evaluate their worship services based on many factors but God gives us one clear factor to determine a “win”…obedience.