John Schreiner

John Schreiner

As a musician, composer, arranger, and producer; John Andrew Schreiner epitomizes what it is to be a musician’s musician. His wealth and depth of experience in all aspects of music creation and production is unrivaled.

4 Articles Published | Follow:
Help for the Misguided Worship Leader: How to Ensure Congregational Silence
Help for the Misguided Worship Leader: How to Ensure Congregational Silence

Discover eight satirical tips for worship leaders who want to keep their congregation silent. From turning up the volume to overcomplicating songs, learn what not to do if you desire genuine worship participation.

Fernando Ortega & The Journey to The Cross of Jesus

Fernando’s songs have always been prayerful and there has always been a sense of pondering and consideration of the lyrical subject.

Pressure Release

Before the biggest weekend of the year, take a moment to release some of the pressure and remember the presence of God.

A New Year, a New Priority

Here’s a paradigm shift to alleviate some of the pressure you might have a tendency to place on yourself.