Laura Story

Laura Story

“I gave up my pursuit of normal a long time ago,” writes worship leader and Christian recording artist Laura Story in her new book, So Long, Normal: Living and Loving the Free Fall of Faith. Laura continues, “Surprisingly, I can say this without shame or regret.” Not only was she terrible at trying to be normal, she confesses, but somewhere along the way she realized that “normal” was a vapor: “Whenever it appeared within reach, I was unable to grasp it.”

2 Articles Published | Follow:
Laura Story - The Unsung Worship Leader: How Brenda Impacted My Life
The Unsung Worship Leader: How Brenda Impacted My Life

By focusing on the humble and impactful example of Brenda Blankenship, we gain a profound understanding of what it truly means to lead in worship. Her story reminds us that true leadership is about serving others, listening well, and lifting high the name of Jesus. May her legacy inspire us all to lead with grace, humility, and a heart wholly devoted to God.

Songwriting According to Psalm 40

Letting God use your personal worship testimony to bring people to salvation.