Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

The Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a pastor, author, leader, speaker, blogger, and consultant for Christian organizations. Currently, Mark is the Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California. In this role, he provides visionary, strategic, and tactical leadership for the Center, which seeks to serve leaders so they might flourish in life and leadership. In addition to serving leaders directly, the De Pree Center helps churches so they might encourage, teach, mentor, form, and support marketplace leaders. Part of Mark’s work for the Center involves serving leaders and churches by writing Life for Leaders, a daily, digital devotional that is emailed to over 5300 subscribers each morning.

11 Articles Published | Follow:
Worship Ethics
Worship Ethics

How people actually live, the decisions they make at work and school, the choices they make in their personal lives – all this ‘ethical stuff’ is also ‘worship stuff.’

Biblical Irony: The Secret to Effective Use of the Scriptures in Worship

What is the secret to the effective use of the Bible in worship? It’s simple.…

Walking the Fine Line of Worship Leading

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory…

The Psalms in Worship from A to Z

Dr. Mark Roberts walks us from a to z exploring worship in the psalms.

The True Source of a New Song

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He…

Joy to the World!

Did you Know that Isaac Watts never inteded this to be a Christmas carol? Get deeper look at Psalm 98 and the origins of the hymn before you play it this weekend.

When a Friend Attacks

Has someone wronged you? With Psalm 55 as a source, here are some biblical options.

Worship that Reflects the One Worshiped

Finding continuity between musical praise and righteous living.

Glory or Servanthood?

How should a follower of Jesus lead others?

The Songwriter’s Greatest Resource

For centuries the Psalms have inspired the best Christian songwriting. Find out how they can make you a better artist and worshiper.

Finding a New Song, Biblically Speaking

Are you looking for novel songs or ideas or are you looking for the biblical New Song? Based on Psalm 40, here are some of the differences.