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Pat Barrett – Get Off of Social Media

Pat Barrett – Get Off of Social Media

Pat Barrett
  • You're not going to like these practical habits. If ya'll are watching this on Instagram. Turn it off. Everyone's getting depressed.

It’s so true! We all naturally compare ourselves to everyone else, but on social media its amplified. It really doesn’t help that view counts are public facing and “likes” are there for everyone to see. It’s as if we’ve gamified comparison and the fuel of social media is jealousy of the attention someone else is receiving, therefore we post more and compare more.

Worship songwriter Pat Barrett understands that, as a part of his daily practice, he needs time away from the comparison trap of social media. For him, his daily practice comes down to reading the scriptures daily and taking time away. That time away is not only from social media, but from every distraction in order to truly hear the voice of God. We all need that “open lane of connection” to God the Father that Pat references.

What are you doing in your daily practice to keep your connection open?

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You’re not going to like these practical habits. If ya’ll are watching this on Instagram. Turn it off. You need some time off the socials. Everyone’s getting depressed.

I don’t have Instagram on my phone. I have to log on, Guise has to send me, he’s like, This is what we’re posting, what do you want to say? Because if I get on Instagram, I start looking at everyone else- I’m looking at my Mike’s life, I’m like, look at his beard. My beard is awful. It will never be like Mike’s beard. And then I start judging myself.

And I- it does- it makes me weird. Makes everyone weird. I realize that the more and more I was on social media, I felt the- the anxiety and the self criticism that leads to just a weird place.

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