Cathedrals of Meaning
Originally Published in Worship Leader Magazine Vol 28 No 3
By Dr. Reggie Kidd
In the musical Hamilton, Liza sings to Alexander, her husband, that he has created “cathedrals of words.” If such a construct does indeed exist, our goal in worship should be to develop cathedrals of meaning.
One day, when my son was about three years old, he and I were in the family room, rolling a ball back and forth. A TV with a looping news show was on in the background. As the top of the hour came around, I decided to take a break for the news. I said, “Charlie, let’s catch the news.” Charlie toddled over to the TV and spread out his arms to “catch” the news—just the way he had been catching the ball I had been rolling to him.
I suddenly realized that throughout his young life, I had been creating for him a world in which the word “catch” meant one thing.