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Is Your Whole Church Participating in Worship?

Is Your Whole Church Participating in Worship?

Brett Armstrong
  • Do you have a plan to encourage congregational singing? Are you providing opportunities in the service for them to start participating in worship?
Yamaha-Is Your Whole Church Participating in Worship?

What is corporate worship, and does it live up to expectations? Some of the words that have been used to describe it are collective, joint, shared, united, combined, communal and common. So, we could say that corporate worship is the church as a united body of believers, collectively with one voice to worship Him and praise the Triune God, the only One worthy of our devotion. As the song says:

You are the One that we praise.

You are the One we adore.

You give the healing and grace,                      

Our hearts always hunger for.

Oh, our hearts always hunger for!

Do you have a plan to encourage congregational singing? Are you providing opportunities in the service for them to start participating in worship? Do you, for instance, have the band stop playing and sing a cappella with the congregation? It’s very uplifting sometimes to just stop and listen. We can’t imagine a more beautiful sound than hundreds of voices singing together. Invite the congregation into the journey of worship, and then do all you can to encourage that experience by singing familiar and new songs that have been appropriately introduced and are sung in the vocal range for your congregation.


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In this guide, we’re focused on corporate worship in the context of congregational singing. We will provide you with more suggestions that can help facilitate your congregation’s participation and encourage their engagement. You can access the complete guide by registering here. In addition to the guide, you’ll receive a monthly newsletter filled with how-to tech videos, product updates and informative articles that will help strengthen your worship sound!

To register and download the complete guide, click here:

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How Yamaha Serves the Church

Yamaha Pro Audio offers an impressive range of products that cater to the entire spectrum of our audio requirements. From finely crafted musical instruments that enhance our musical worship, to state-of-the-art mixers and speakers that deliver clear, crisp sound, their collection is both extensive and exceptional. Additionally, Yamaha’s inclusion of essential accessories ensures that every aspect of our sound system is streamlined and integrated, promising an uplifting and seamless worship experience for all. Yamaha Pro Audio truly embodies a holistic approach to worship audio, enabling us to focus more on the act of worship itself.

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