Joth Hunt – What do you look for in a worship team member?
This Worship Sound Bite focuses on how to build a great worship team. So many of our worship tribe are volunteers and need help and training on how to build a great worship team. This piece has some great tips on how can you tell if a team member will be the right fit. It features Joth Hunt from Planetshakers.
Jonathan Hunt, known professionally as Joth Hunt, is an Australian Pentecostal Christian worship leader, singer-songwriter, producer and music director who primarily writes praise and worship songs. He grew up in Melbourne, Australia and joined the the Planetshakers Church in his late teens. He’s now a lead member of the Planetshakers band.
There are few worship concerts that bring as much energy as a Planetshakers experience. One of our favorite representations of their worship party can be seen in the Endless Praise music video. We dare you to watch this video while sitting down…can’t do it. Let’s go!
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So with getting new people on our team at Planetshakers, we, they go through an audition. I’ll simply judge the skill, whether they’re good enough or not. If they’re not good enough, we will encourage them to go get lessons. If they feel that’s what they’re called to do. Otherwise we’ll encourage them to serve somewhere else in the church. Um, but if they are good enough, they don’t get on stage straight away, but they’ll, they’ll spend at least three to six months just serving side of stage. And for some people that seems like a long time, but for us, it’s the perfect opportunity to see where someone’s heart is that. And like, I would honestly be happier to have just a drummer and a keyboard player that have great hearts than a full team who isn’t in it together. Like I’ve been in situations before where I’ve had both of those scenarios and when the heart is in the right place, that wins every time. So that’s what we value the most to get people in the right place. And that three to six months of serving really does bring those things that are in people’s hearts out. Very, very rarely we’ll get someone who doesn’t enjoy the process and they will leave. Cause they think they should be on stage quicker. The majority of people really do take well to that whole process, but it does reveal if there is anything in the heart, then that’s what needs to be worked on. So then by the time they are on stage, it’s not about them at all. It’s just about being on stage serving God. – – Joth Hunt
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Jonathan Hunt, known professionally as Joth Hunt, is an Australian Pentecostal Christian worship leader, singer-songwriter, producer and music director who primarily writes praise and worship songs. He grew up in the Planetshakers Church, and is a member of the Planetshakers band.