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Worship Team Devotional on the Story of Reconciliation in the Christmas Season

Worship Team Devotional on the Story of Reconciliation in the Christmas Season

Skye Reedy

Following the release of my recent song, “Reconcile,” it was on my heart to share a special worship team devotional. I’ve partnered with Worship Leader to release this 4 part devotional series on reconciliation. Here’s part 1 of 4.

What reconciliation looks like… 

The Christmas season has made me think deeply about reconciliation. Jesus the son of God, sent to earth to reconcile the world to Himself. He humbly came and showed us what love looks like. I think our hearts are more open in this season. We feel an intentional draw towards unity. A pull to come together despite our differences and love one another. Even when it is not easy.

God sets us in families, communities, on teams, and in workplaces with purpose. He surrounds us with people who may be different than we are, but who bear the “Imago Dei”, the image of God. We may not always understand one another, but through His love He teaches us to see all of His children through His eyes.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133)

Unity is the heart of the Father. 

There may be someone in your life, family, work, or team who is very different from you. It can be hard to understand or even love them. I pray this week you would ask the Lord to help you see them through His eyes of love. 

My Prayer this Christmas.

Father, bring us together through your spirit. Open our eyes to see what you see and hear what you hear. Unify us so that we may be the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth. You have given us the ministry of Christ’s reconciliation. Help us to forgive one another as you have forgiven us. If there is any division in our hearts or our teams, bring your healing. We love you and you are the rock we are standing on.



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Unity is the heart of the father. This song is a prayer for the church to come together and be unified! Christ has given us the ministry of reconciliation to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

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