Attract, Train and Retain Volunteers
If your church has a person who does sound for a living, count your blessings. If you don’t, you’ll have to recruit volunteers, and that can prove to be a difficult proposition. Let’s face it: sound consoles—no matter how big or small—are intimidating. So, how do you get people to step up?
It is essential to tell prospective volunteers that becoming a sound tech will be a process. They shouldn’t expect to go from, “Hey, I’d like to learn sound” to solo mixing front-of-house in less than six months. It is possible someone could reach that level in less time if they were on the console every weekend, but most people can’t do that. Therefore, it usually takes 6-12 months to get proficient enough to handle a weekend solo without the help of a senior tech.
Depending on the size and complexity of your system, you need to determine the skill level required of volunteers to operate the system properly. Whether you are installing a new system or upgrading your existing one, make sure the components you acquire can be operated by techs with a minimum of training. Developing your prospective sound team member’s ear is a great way to start. Listening to and understanding sound can be the most valuable tool in a tech’s arsenal — the ability to listen to music critically, de-construct it and tear it apart.
In this guide, we will provide you with an understanding of the elements of church sound systems, the different environments in which they will be used and the level of skill required to operate them. You can access the complete Attract, Train and Retain Volunteers guide by registering for the Yamaha House of Worship newsletter. In addition to the guide, you’ll receive a monthly newsletter filled with how-to tech videos, product updates and informative articles that will help strengthen your worship sound!
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Access Yamaha’s, Attract, Train and Retain Volunteers Guide by registering for the Yamaha House of Worship newsletter!
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