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Eventide Effects Units & Software Plugins

Eventide Effects Units & Software Plugins

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What is it: Software that extends the capabilities of your programs

Who Would Be Interested: Guitar players in search of the perfect sound, vocalists who are looking for dynamic effects, and people who are serious about recording music.

General info: Music is increasingly being made on computers of all shapes and sizes. From keyboards, soundboards, to guitar pedals, all products labeled as, “Digital” is, in fact, a computer. Computers have a software, programs that tell the product what to do, and that technology has been increasing exponentially thanks, in part, to companies like Eventide, who offer a wide variety of award-winning software programs and hardware to extend the capabilities of instruments and sonic possibilities.

Product specific: Eventide has a lot of great products but focuses on three main areas: Guitar effects, Vocal Effects, and Recording Tools (mixing, mastering, etc.) What is a fairly different about Eventide is that they offer multiple ways to use their products. First of all, you can buy a standard stand-alone pedal or rack unit, that looks and acts just like a regular pedal or rack unit. The second way their H9 pedal or MissingLink pedal, which is a pedal shaped computer that allows you to run their software plugin versions while making changes via an iPad. Lastly, you can record or play live by using their plugins via your computer in programs like MainStage, Logic, Ableton, and ProTools allowing you to transfer your setting between recordings and live performances. It’s really the best of both worlds put together.

Guitar Players in search of the perfect reverb or delay need to check out the UltraTap (for delay) or Blackhole (for reverb) which are really the luxury sports car of the guitar pedal world. Allowing you to dial in specific setting in a level of detail unheard of before. Want 63 repeats to happen within a few milliseconds or do you prefer 64? It opens up a whole new world of sonic possibilities, while simultaneously delivering rock solid standard effects. I’ve played guitar for a lot of years and I kept on saying, “I didn’t even know that was possible.”

For vocalists, Eventide offers a wide variety of effects, pre-amps, and harmonizers that have pushed the boundaries of possibility with a rarely seen level of precision.

More: These products instantly made their way into my projects, adding a dimension of sound I have been looking for. The great thing about Eventide Software is that they give you more: more options, more buttons, more effects. Within one plugin they will combine a vocal delay, a pitch shifter, a reverb, pan controls, and…and…and…which is great, because it allows you to do all kinds of stuff in one location.

Less: The challenge of having many buttons and endless possibilities is that you have to know what the buttons do or it can be confusing. While Eventide products have a lot of buttons, they also have a lot of pre-sets which come in very handy because they sound great. These are also premium products that carry a premium price, but they offer full functioning demos that allow a test drive to see if it’s right for you.

Check them out at

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