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Dustin Smith – True Worship is Taking Care of Widows and Orphans

Dustin Smith – True Worship is Taking Care of Widows and Orphans

Dustin Smith

“True worship is taking care of the widows and the orphans.” Yes! Dustin Smith brings a Worship Sound Bite that challenges our view of church to look past the Sunday service. We know how to do church services, but we’re not carrying what we learn on Sunday into our lives.

The body needs to be equipped on a weekly basis…at church…but the true worship happens the rest of the week! Businesses are a place of worship! Government agencies can be a place of worship – – depending on what party you’re with – – KIDDING.

Let’s all take a beat and listen to Dustin’s wisdom and allow his unique thinking to challenge the ways in which we view the church and how we define worship.

Dustin’s Devotional Podcast for Worshippers

Listen to “Dustin Smith: It’s Easier to Reject Than Redeem” on Spreaker.


Because his word says like you know, he says, you know what true worship is. He says, take care of the widows and orphans. But where’s that? You know, are we doing that as the church? Come together Sunday mornings. Awesome services. But do you know you have widows and orphans in your church?

We asked, Are they doing okay? Are we taking care of them? Are we asking them questions or is there anything we can do? Is there can we walk together? So this isn’t just about the church service. I think for us, as we practice it, we’re starting to step outside the bounds and realize like realize like this has been held within the four walls for so long that we become really good at doing church services, but we didn’t know how to carry it into our lives.

And I think what God is going to do is, you know, a lot of people would say we need to get rid of that and stop doing the church services. And I think that’s actually a horrible move. I think the best move is is to both and it’s ADD to so here’s what we’ve been doing. We’re going to come in and equip the body to do a work.

But the work isn’t we’re going to quit by the good church services. We’re going to use the church services to train our mouths and how to speak. And we’re going to do that through songs. We’re going to get something in our spirit. We’re going to start to help each other in our community of faith. And it’s going to train us on how to reach outside.

And I believe it’s going to carry into the marketplace. I believe businesses are going to come alive because people are going to start saying, how does even our facility help our community? How can we make this a place where people can not just meet God, but meet people who love God because his word says like, you know, he says, you know what true worship is?

He says, Take care of the widows and orphans. Where’s that that, you know, are we doing that? Is the church come together on Sunday mornings? Awesome services. But do you know you have widows and orphans in your church? Have we asked, are they doing okay? Are we taking care of them? Are we asking them questions or is there anything we can do?

Is there can we walk together? So this isn’t just about the church service. I think for us, as we practice it, we’re starting to step outside the bounds and realize, like realize like this has been held within the four walls for so long that we’ve become really good at doing church services. But we didn’t know how to carry it into our lives.

And I think what God is going to do is, you know, a lot of people would say we need to get rid of that and stop doing the church services. And I think that’s actually a horrible move. I think the best move is is both and it’s add to. So here’s what we’ve been doing. We’re going to come in and equip the body to do a work.

But the work is and we’re going equipped by the good church services. We’re going to use the church services to train our mouths and how to speak. And we’re going to do that through songs. We’re going to get something in our spirit. We’re going to start to help each other in our community of faith. And it’s going to train us on how to reach outside.

And I believe it’s going to carry into the marketplace. I believe businesses are going to come alive because people are going to start saying, how does even our facility help our community? How can we make this a place where people can not just meet God but meet people who love God?

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