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Big Daddy Weave Shares Their Fav Christmas Traditions

Big Daddy Weave Shares Their Fav Christmas Traditions

Editorial Team

What do churches you have been a part of do well at Christmas, and what could be richer, more congregationally sensitive, and have more Biblical imagination?

I think if I could do anything different or better, it would be the focus on receiving him. As I’m answering these questions, I’m looking at a nativity in my home. Because of our long-time familiarity with the Christmas story, we can lose the power of it. I try to imagine the story fresh. I think of the wealth of heaven, thinking of the King of heaven who came to redeem humanity. I think about all that is packed into this child—our salvation, our redemption, our rescue. A person could take all of this as just a story, but it’s another thing to say, “We receive You, this person,” because He didn’t stay a baby. He did everything He said He was going to do. That is our reality as believers. That is our privilege. That’s what’s been given to us. Now it’s about us learning to receive what it is that He’s done.


How do you hold God and shepherding the congregation in worship in tension?

The first thing for me as a leader is to point out Jesus. I want to have a moment with the Lord with a bunch of people and say, “Hey, come join in in this. Come look at Him, the provision for every need, the comfort, the counselor, the teacher, Emmanuel. This is God with us.” For me, it’s being a connecting point and taking somebody else’s hand and saying, look, look at Him, look at Him, and then whatever that yields because of their experience and their encounter with Him.


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