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For King & Country New Album: Burn the Ships

For King & Country New Album: Burn the Ships

Editorial Team

Artist: FOR KING & COUNTRY | Album: Burn the Ships | Learn More:

Grammy and Dove award winners For King & Country have a lot to live up to with Burn the Ships. Australian brothers with a penchant for impeccable and complex vocal ranges with brilliant harmonies are living up to the acclaim and follow-up with their debut album Crave and chart burner Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong with hits like “Priceless” and “Shoulders”. Which have heralded praise and promise, as they have been staples on Christian radio and enamoring concertgoers worldwide with a string of mega-songs. For King and Country have a big sound, a huge fan base, and overwhelming live and media popularity and yet they are able to deliver songs that are relevant and reverent that move worship music and life forward.

The first two cuts on the album: “Joy” with already over five million views has an international vibe to it that is detailed and rich with meaning and purpose and in perfect stride with “God Only Knows” which is arranged to perfection with bold and contemporary instrumentation and lyrical artistry that is appealing, singable and just plain enjoyable. This combination of technology and vocal ingenuity is the perfect prelude to the vibrant title track “Burn the Ships” which implies that there is no turning back and this multifaceted album roars forward with genuine ballads and anthems that extend and stretch the musical playing field. “Fight on, Fighter” has a European flair to it with festival written all over it. “Need You More” has sharpness to it with a cutting-edge use of effects while also using space to give Burn the Ships dimension and flow.

Joel and Luke make use of powerful songwriting and genius rhythm and percussions that shift through a vertex of expressive layers on “Never Give Up” and “Hold Her” with intimate and vulnerable prose that is stylish and allows the listener to feel like a part of the songs narrative and message. “Pioneers” which includes wives Moriah and Courtney is a gorgeous collaboration, which interlaces intelligent verse and dialog that is as mesmerizing as it is delicate in showcasing forgiveness and grace. Burn the Ships is a five-star project that is well written and in many ways a total and complete package of worship with a far-reaching genre crossover possibility. It is inspiring when artists like For King & Country live up to the potential and the hype and deliver an award level project that reaches the highest pinnacles of sonic and creative brilliance. Give these pioneers a listen. For King and Country burn the ships without looking back and create a trail of inspiration and “Joy” that God Only Knows!

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