Hymn or Overheard at Vampire Convention?
- Can you pass this quiz? Which of these are hymn titles and which were phrases overheard at a vampire convention?
It’s Fall quiz time, worship pastors! How well do you know your hymnal? Read the following list and see if you can determine which items are classic Hymns and which are phrases overheard at a vampire convention.
Important Caveat About Halloween
Since I should fill some space between the quiz and the answers, this would be the perfect opportunity to express that I, the author of this quiz, do not actually believe in the existence of vampires. We know what holiday is coming up and simply thought this quiz would be a fun tie to this time of year; recognizing that the level of participation amongst our readers in that holiday will be varied. This quiz in no way endorses a belief in vampires, mummies, zombies, Paw Patrol, goblins et al.
To further add space between the quiz and the answers I will mention that there is a tie between the folkloric vampire figure and our faith. In John 6:53 Jesus says,
“I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.”
Only Christ can cause us to never “thirst again” (John 4:14). While the fictional vampire must continuously drink blood, avoid sunlight, and dodge wooden stakes, Jesus’ blood is a one-time sacrifice that covers all of our sins and gives eternal life. Nothing – neither the present nor the future, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation (I’m looking at you, garlic!) can separate us from that sacrificial love.
Okay! On to the quiz!
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Joshua Foote has been involved in worship ministry for over two decades as both a musician and an educator. He is now serving as the Family Director at a church plant in Southern California and also works as a virtual educator. He lives with his wife and three children. His favorite job of all time was working at a record store and there are few things he loves more than live music.