Music Review | “Catch Me Singing” By Sean Curran
When Passion worship leader/solo artist Sean Curran took to social media at the beginning of quarantine to begin each day with worship, the purpose was to re-focus hurting hearts away from the chaos and back to the truths of God’s word. The result of that season was several weeks of mornings spent declaring the promises of God, and a powerful new song: “Catch Me Singing.”
The anthemic track was written in response to Covid, and therefore feels perfectly timed for the Church to be singing now as we’re still in the thick of things. Through thoughtful writing and driving melodies, Sean carries a passionately bold yet reverently worshipful moment with this song.
“I will trust you in the famine, I will bless you in the feast / when I’m standing in your victory, when I’m on my knees / I will praise you with the rising and the setting sun / you’re gonna catch me singing when the springtime comes,” the hopeful chorus proclaims.
From its opening seconds to last, this song is exactly the declaration the church needed this year. Not ignoring the pain and hardship of this season while still remembering the promises of God’s faithfulness, “Catch Me Singing” will no doubt be a congregational favorite for the foreseeable future as it bolsters weary souls and fervently declares the promises of God.
Click here to learn more about Sean Curran.