Music Review | “Christmas Morning” By The McClures
Everyone remembers the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning. Now, Bethel Music worship leaders, Paul and Hannah McClure have captured that feeling in music through their newest aptly titled release, Christmas Morning. The familiar anticipation of opening Christmas presents floods you as you listen to each track with its pseudo-acoustic feel, highlighting the McClures’ North Carolina background.
From the sentimentally engaging title track, through the “Be Thou My Vision” re-imagining of “High King of Heaven/Jesus We Love You,” Christmas Morning emotes the expectation of a people longing for a heavenly King.
Christmas Morning should be a part of this year’s Christmas playlist on heavy rotation as it evokes a smile with track after track.
More: Christmas Morning is that rare album of modern worship that sounds like Christmas. Special care has obviously been taken to ensure that it truly could be the soundtrack to the annual trek to the tree!
Less: 3 of the 6 tracks are in excess of 7 minutes, while typical for a live album of worship, more tracks would have been preferred to longer tracks.
Learn more about Bethel Music and The McClures here.
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With a passion for people and all things musical, Randy joined Trinity’s staff in September 2002. He and his wife Tammy have been married since 1986. Their family includes 3 daughters, 1 son, 3 grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. “Worship as a lifestyle” is the driving philosophy to Randy’s ministry at Trinity. He serves as support personnel in the multigenerational ministries of Trinity in an effort to show others that “worship” involves more than just the musical aspects that are so many oftentimes associated with the word. He is a member of the Arkansas Master’Singers, where he sings tenor and plays french horn. Randy also plays french horn and trumpet in the ASU-Beebe, Symphonic band. He can be seen on his Youtube channel Cross & Kin and is the author of the weekly blog Tuesday’s Musical Notes.