Music Review | “Faithful God” By I Am They
Have you been listening for a Christian Pop album filled with variety of styles and God-honoring lyrics? Well your wait is over as the Nevada-based, I Am They release their third studio album Faithful God.
After experiencing some personnel changes, I Am They seems to have found the perfect combination for this record as it is sure to be one you will want to listen to again and again.
The record launches with the band shouting, “I’ve been delivered!” and with each successive track, you find a mouth dropping change in genre that the band pulls off exquisitely. Not to be outdone, the anthemic title track “Faithful God” gives perspective to those who are searching for answers to the travails that the world has seen in recent times. We make another change with the bluesy “Found My Freedom” and you begin to wonder if this is a compilation album of various artists.
More: Faithful God, musically, has something for everyone.
Less: Nothing!
Learn more about I Am They here.
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With a passion for people and all things musical, Randy joined Trinity’s staff in September 2002. He and his wife Tammy have been married since 1986. Their family includes 3 daughters, 1 son, 3 grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. “Worship as a lifestyle” is the driving philosophy to Randy’s ministry at Trinity. He serves as support personnel in the multigenerational ministries of Trinity in an effort to show others that “worship” involves more than just the musical aspects that are so many oftentimes associated with the word. He is a member of the Arkansas Master’Singers, where he sings tenor and plays french horn. Randy also plays french horn and trumpet in the ASU-Beebe, Symphonic band. He can be seen on his Youtube channel Cross & Kin and is the author of the weekly blog Tuesday’s Musical Notes.