Music Review | “Live From Decatur City” By North Point Worship
Recorded at the Decatur City campus, one of North Point’s seven Atlanta-based churches, Live from Decaur City was a unique project for the veteran worship-leading team of North Point.
The album was recorded during the pandemic period and though it was recorded live, it was done so without the aid of an audience, other than the One to whom the worship was given.
Live from Decatur City features the consortia of North Point’s great worship-leading team, with each taking the lead at one point or another as the project seamlessly flows from its lead off with the beautiful “O What a Miracle,” led by Kaycee Hines, all the way to the exuberant “Abundantly More,” led by Clay Finnesand.
North Point Worship also uses this EP to feature other worship songs: “Promises” by Maverick City, led by Chris Cauley, Desi Raines, and Lauren Lee, followed by Heath Baltzglier and Emily Harrison leading Bethel Music’s “Goodness of God.” Each cover is beautifully done with North Point flair.
More: The creativity of God’s people when put in challenging circumstance is on display as the North Point Worship team joins their voices to celebrate the God who is worthy of all praise.
Less: Are there other tracks from this experience? Six just isn’t enough.
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With a passion for people and all things musical, Randy joined Trinity’s staff in September 2002. He and his wife Tammy have been married since 1986. Their family includes 3 daughters, 1 son, 3 grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. “Worship as a lifestyle” is the driving philosophy to Randy’s ministry at Trinity. He serves as support personnel in the multigenerational ministries of Trinity in an effort to show others that “worship” involves more than just the musical aspects that are so many oftentimes associated with the word. He is a member of the Arkansas Master’Singers, where he sings tenor and plays french horn. Randy also plays french horn and trumpet in the ASU-Beebe, Symphonic band. He can be seen on his Youtube channel Cross & Kin and is the author of the weekly blog Tuesday’s Musical Notes.