Originally Published in Worship Leader magazine Volume 28 | Number 2
Many people think that ‘worship’ and ‘mission’ are unrelated areas of the Church. Maybe there is a mission board and a worship team, but they rarely intersect. In the history of the church, though, this couldn’t be further from the case.
Similarly, in regards to worship ministry, there are ‘redemptive analogies’ within the many diverse cultures in which we serve. Even in the city, even in the suburbs, even in the West there is culture.
If we have eyes to see them, the ‘redemptive analogies’ help us all understand the message of Jesus—and they can be sounds, they can be phrases, they can be visual images. There are so many ways to tell this story—it is infinitely translatable, and forever timeless.
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Tanya Riches is Masters Coordinator of Transformational Development at Eastern College, Melbourne. She is one of the leading researchers into the megachurch Hillsong. Additionally, in her PhD she traced the links between liturgy/worship and development outreach in Australia’s urban Aboriginal-led Pentecostal Churches.