Brendan Prout

Brendan Prout

Author Brendan Prout's long-term goal is to continue raising up and training ministry leaders, providing them with the necessary tools to become effective communicators of the gospel and facilitators of worship from a Biblical perspective. He aims to lead a faith community that is oriented towards God, focusing on glorifying Him and expressing the love of Christ through practical actions.

17 Articles Published | Follow:
Don’t Check Your Email Right Before Service

Simple? Maybe, but here are the reasons you may want to save checking your inbox for after the service.

Who Should Pick The Songs?

Exploring the idea of teamwork in song selection for worship.

Living the Messy Dream

A case for a wildly imperfect, emotional, sometimes stinky work in progress that leading worship can be.

Bongo Man

The importance of visual praise when leading people in worship.

Contemporary Versus Traditional Worship

Struggling between contemporary and traditional music approaches? This essay from 200 years ago might help.