
Chuck Fromm

CEO/Publisher of Worship Leader magazine, Song Discovery, and National Worship Leader Conferences

32 Articles Published | Follow:
Though Musical Tastes Differ, Singing Can Still Unify Us All.

In my 20 years of work in music ministry, from the choir loft to the…

Back to Basics: Maranatha! While We Were Sleeping…

At this time of expectation, anticipation and realization, this precious season of Advent, we remember anew and listen more attentively to God’s Good News: That He has come, that he is with us in our communities and families, and that “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.”

Back To Basics: Confronting the Culture of Worship with Worship

The only way to create an alternative to isomorphic sameness, shallow lyrics, and bad theology is to be led by the Spirit, embody Christ, worship God, and cling to the Text at the heart of our communities: the Bible.

Back To Basics

Scribed by Andrea Hunter This column’s title, Back to Basics, is based on a small…

Terror, Floods and Signs in the Sky By Chuck Fromm

By Chuck Fromm  I have a Christian friend who trains several atheist and agnostic clients…

Back To Basics: The Mission of Remembering In Worship

Worship is personal. Worship is a Who—relationship, conversation—not a What. We must remember that.

God’s Word: The Text of Our Lives

Back to Basics Column with Dr. Chuck Fromm  The written/spoken/embodied Word of God touches us…


A message from Worship Leader founders, Chuck and Stephanie Fromm.

God’s Worship Garden

The first meeting I had with visionary and true father in the faith, Robert Webber, he said, “Chuck, the most important word in worship is remembering. People who don’t remember God can’t worship.”

Mission: God’s House Is A House Of Prayer

We recently took some time as a team to step back after our conference and…

A New Chapter: A Message from the Worship Leader Founders

We are excited to share with you the next chapter at Worship Leader Media (WLM).…

Bringing the Church Past into the Future
The Skill of Cultivating the Past – The Original Social Network

The seeming newness of the technology of networking can imply the actual communication and connection it brings is new as well. What is new is the ability to aggregate and curate. Now these particular skills take on spiritual meaning but in fact their role has always been a missional task of the church. The church has been specializing in networks for centuries. In some ways denominations are a manifestation of networking.